Ambassadors are the evangelists of data and analytics.
The analytics enthusiasts that support the enablement team by driving adoption and propagating enablement initiatives.
These users don’t need to be technically savvy, but are the ones with great business knowledge and insight, bridging the gap that many times exist between technical teams and the business users.
In global enterprises, the Ambassador should be associated to a country or region. A regional or locale specific Ambassador will not only bring business insight, invaluable language skills but also cultural understanding.
They will organize initiatives, deal with administrative details, events logistics, on-boarding of new Ambassadors, guide users and collect success/ value stories.
To be able to guide their communities, Ambassadors need an Overview grasp of the full stack of tools offered by the business. It is the conceptual knowledge that will give them the foundations to be able to direct users to the tool or training that best suits them.
The Ambassador skill belt or learning path, is formed by five stages that go from Bronze to Diamond and is mainly dedicated to organization of events and community building.

Each stage has learning objectives that helps users to navigate through their analytical journey.

Adding the skill belt to a learning platform that allows users to track their development, contributes for a greater uptake and success of the program.
Given that is a soft-skill based program, to ensure expertise excellence a test including technical and non-technical question should be taken by all Ambassadors at the end of the Diamond stage.
The Exam
Prepare a large poll of multiple- choice questions containing not only technical questions, but also questions related to the Ambassador role, expectations and responsibilities.
The exam should have a 60 min duration and can be structured in three main subjects:
Ambassador program (10 randomized questions)
Soft-skills (5 randomized questions)
Technical (15 randomized questions)
Once the user passes the exam, a certification of completion and an e-signature badge should be attributed. The user line manager should also be notified and the achievement celebrated on internal communications, taking the opportunity to let other users meet the new Ambassador.
What does success looks like?
For this program, success is not only the number of Ambassadors and the markets reached but also the number of events and certifications.
The greater contribution is the growth of the data champions community and the data-driven users which will share success stories with efficiencies, business value, opportunity and savings.
Metrics for leadership
